Level 7 Educational Testing and Access Arrangements Certificate

Our sister company, Education Elephant, offers an online Level 7 Qualification in Educational Testing and Access Arrangements.

Level 7 Educational Testing and Access Arrangements Certificate (ETAAC)

Are you a teacher working in the UK system and wanting to process exam access arrangements? If so, then you must hold a qualification at or equivalent to Level 7 in individual specialist assessment. Our ETAAC course fulfills these criteria and enables teachers in the UK to meet the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulations to practice as an access arrangements assessor. In addition, this course meets the professional accreditation to level 9 for Irish participants and is a professionally recognised certificate across Ireland.

Whether your need is for a professionally recognised course to further your skills in the UK or Ireland, the ETAAC through Eirim has you covered!

This professional course, taught by experienced Educational Psychologists, enables educators to develop the highest standards in educational assessment and to use these skills not only to apply for access arrangements in examinations but also to support and identify students with additional learning needs. The presence of a competent, confident and qualified assessor on staff will make a large and positive difference to the way in which students are supported as well as to their outlook and success.